
  • 支持和关怀的环境

The 中学 advisee program's mission is to foster kindness, 尊重自己和他人, 参与与责任, and allow for relationships to be nurtured rather than a curriculum to be covered.
We provide a supportive and caring environment that addresses the needs of each individual student. Every student is well known, cared for, encouraged, 尊重ed, welcomed, appreciated, and celebrated. Each student has an adult advocate as his/her advisor.

中学 advisors know students well and are available for them throughout their 中学 career for everything from academic support to confidence-building and encouragement.

Students typically enter the 中学 with an assigned advisor and remain with them for 7th and 8th grade. A good balance of 7th and 8th graders are put in the same advisee so that students can get to know one another better. Students are to 尊重 one another and their advisor during their time.



  • Develop a one-to-one relationship with each advisee

    • Get to know each advisee well, including strengths, weaknesses, and passions
    • Serve as an in-house expert and contact for all persons concerned with the advisee
    • 定期检查学生的成绩
    • 与学生家长沟通
    • 帮助被建议者设定目标
  • Foster the MS Pillars (kindness, 尊重, 参与与责任)

    • Facilitate the development of activities related to the advisee curriculum.
    • Be a role model of the MS Touchstones.
    • Encourage and foster each advisee to identify his/her own values.
  • Encourage and foster personal development of each advisee using positivity and kindness

    • Encourage and foster self-advocacy in students.
    • Encourage and foster leadership in students.
    • Act as a conflict mediator for students.
    • Assist students in recognizing their personal talents, interests, and passions.
  • Act as an adult advocate for advisees

    • Communicate with each advisee’s parents regularly.
    • 每天考勤.
    • Conduct student-parent-teacher conferences.
    • Be knowledgeable in the developmental needs of adolescents.
    • Be involved in any disciplinary/behavioral issues that arise with the advisee.
    • Advocate for advisees with teachers and other faculty members.
  • Key responsibilities of the advisee

    • Approach advisee time with an open mind and a “go with the flow” disposition
    • Encourage, celebrate, and care for members of the advisee
    • Develop a 1-to-1 relationship with his/her advisor
    • Actively engage with their advisor and peers


  • 善良, 尊重, 责任, & 参与

The 中学支柱 of kindness, 尊重, 责任, and participation are integral to every student’s learning experience. Advisors are devoted to making sure that students represent the pillars and that they succeed. Class participation, social events, and 社区服务 also give students time to work on these areas.


  • Your Educational Journey Begins Today

    For more information contact us at admissions@mvcds.或致电419-381-1313.
莫米山谷乡村走读学校 is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, 男女合校, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.